
April 13, 2021

How to Stop Stress Eating When You’re Stuck at Home

Since January 2020, we are dealing with COVID19 and no one can tell when this will end. Thirteen months of being stuck at home are no joke because every day we are feeling overwhelmed with all the physical, mental, financial, and emotional stress in life. 

People manage stress in different ways. Some people avoid or reduce news consumption and find joy in watching movies or series. Some people read books, as Mason Cooley said “Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are”. Some people started a new hobby like gardening, cooking, baking, crafting, and others. Some people treat themselves to retail therapy and fill their houses with things that they don’t need. Some people combat stress by emotional eating.

Pandemic weight gain is a common scenario now. Did you or someone you know also gained weight during quarantine? I feel and completely understand if you also gained weight because staying healthy during the lockdown is difficult. Since I’m confined inside our house, my daily routine is pretty sedentary so I’m definitely less active. Most of the time I am just glued to my computer, designing graphics, writing blogs, and crafting. My only exercise is household chores but it is still not enough to lose weight. 

I’m also guilty of overeating because, over the past several months, my motto is “Life is short” so I find comfort in learning new recipes, exploring different cuisines, stocking our pantry, and satisfying my sweet tooth. After several months of stress eating, I can finally see the big changes on my body even my clothes and mirror can testify to that. 

After calculating my ideal weight, I realized that stress eating affects my health so I need to learn how to manage my stress in a healthier way by reading stress management books or online health guide and tips like Rolling Paper. I need to take back my body in shape. I love to eat but whether I like it or not I should find ways to prevent overeating. If you are dealing with the same dilemma, then this blog post is for you. 

According to my research, here are some of the ways to prevent stress eating during the lockdown.

1. Learn to recognize what triggers you to overeat. 
2. Remove temptation and stock your pantry with healthy foods 
3. Maintain a healthy meal schedule and limit your snacking 
4. Drink enough fluids, water is your best friend to avoid adding more calories.  
5. Exercise or meditate 
6. Be mindful when you eat so you know your food intake and eating patterns. 
7. Practice self-control 

I know that maintaining my ideal weight won’t be easy, it requires a lot of effort and sacrifices. But I believe that by starting small, I can finally begin to take control of my life, and someday, I will bring my body back. 

“Healthy eating is a way of life, so it’s important to establish routines that are simple, realistically, and ultimately livable” - Arthur Agatston

1 comment:

  1. I love this article. It's really about disciplining yourself and being in control of what you eat.
