. I can clearly remember that this was the month when I handed my resignation and it’s been thirteen years already since I quit my corporate job. Looking back, I did not even dream to become a full-time mom and it is completely out of the picture. In my mind, I just wanted to have a baby and I can go back to work after my maternity leave.
But life happened and there are unexpected twists and turns. I bid goodbye to my career without knowing what my future would be. I accepted that my plans in life will not always work out and maybe God has a better plan for me. Like they always say, “Every cloud has a silver lining”.
And because I’m not used to be stuck at home, I find ways to earn money so I was juggling between my family and part-time work for the next three years. Then I felt guilty because I forgot the first reason why I resigned which is “I want to be present to my son”. I stopped my part-time work as a content writer and I started blogging.
“Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise” - Andy Stanley
How Blogging Changed my Life?
Blogging Keeps me Busy
I let go of my future incomes and focus on my son, but of course, I wanted to have my own “Me-time” too so I created this blog. I was not born a writer so I’m thankful for the opportunity to write articles for other websites and this part-time job became a bridge to my blogging journey. I may not be a writer but I can be a
storyteller on my own blog.
Ten years had passed and blogging still keeps me busy, especially now that we are still under community quarantine, this blog is one of the reasons why my sanity is not slipping away. Blogging makes me happy knowing that I have the freedom and flexibility to write and share whatever I want in my own free time.
Blogging Allows Me to Discover my Hobbies and Interest
This blog is a living testament to how my hobbies and interests changed. I love learning, trying and challenging myself in order to grow. So far, I have learned to cook, bake, sew, crochet, design graphics and printables, and more. Learning new things breaks my everyday routine because I can do different things depending on my mood.
“Develop a passion for learning, if you do, you will never cease to grow” - Anthony D’ Angelo
Blogging Enhances my Skills
God did not shower me with talents; I can’t sing, I can’t dance, I can’t act, and I can’t draw but it is not a big obstacle because I know I can learn a skill. Blogging is no longer just a hobby, I want to improve my writing and photography. This blog helps me to develop my skills and I can no longer count how many webinars and courses that I have attended whether free or paid just to enhance my skills.
I consider myself as a lifelong learner and I don’t want to settle, our world is constantly changing so I have to change, adjust and grow too by discovering my own skills and exploring new opportunities.
Blogging Opens New Opportunities
There are millions of bloggers out there and competition is tough so I only have a slim chance that someone will stumble my blog. But I don’t consider it as a hindrance to stop blogging because I know that every people has their own story, every people has something to share and whatever content I am creating, it will matter to someone.
I’m very grateful to brands and companies that I have collaborated and worked with in the past ten years because even my blog has a small following, they gave me a chance to promote their products, services, and websites.
Blogging Allows Me to Earn
I know that you can earn from blogging but I did not imagine that it would happen to me. As I mentioned before, blogging is just my “Me-Time”. I did not foresee that two months after I started my blog I will receive my first paid blog opportunity. Of course, it is not an everyday scenario but I’m thankful for my blog earnings because I have the money to maintain my blog. Blogging is not cheap, there are a lot of expenses in order to keep it active.
Blogging Expands my Horizons
I have no clue that starting my blog will expand my horizons. I am an introvert and I enjoy staying at home and working behind the scene. I am a full-time mom and I rarely go out of the house unless there are errands and we are going to travel. But through blogging, I was able to meet some people and build some connections.
Blogging Gives me Work
It took me a while to realize that I am to focus on raising my only son and I tend to forget my own needs, wants, plans and dreams in life. I have to remind myself that it is not selfish to put myself first. I don't want my son to
follow my footsteps and I don't want him to feel that because of him, I put away my dreams.
"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them." James Arthur Baldwin
For the past several years, I devoted my time as a stay-at-home-mom and blogging on the side. My son is no longer a baby and doesn’t need my full attention. And because of that, two years ago, I felt bored with my routine and I wanted to do more. I enrolled in Basic Photo and Video Editing Course and Social Media Management and Marketing Course. In my mind, I just wanted to improve my graphics and learn how to manage my own social media account.
Who would ever think that my passion will open new doors for me? My blog became my resume, business card, or portfolio to market myself, skills, and services as a Social Media Manager, Social Media Graphics Creator, and Business Owner. I’m still not really back in the corporate world but I am happy that I can work part-time again.
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." C.S. Lewis
My blog may not be successful compared to other blogs but I am still proud of my own website because this blog still exists after one decade. It is not easy to maintain a blog and it takes a lot of work to keep it active.
I feel blessed to be able to do what I love to do. I like the freedom that I can do the things that makes me happy. And finally, I’m grateful for this blog because it changed my life in so many ways.
I’m not where I’m supposed to be,
I’m not what I want to be,
But I’m not what I used to be.
I haven’t learned how to arrive;
I’ve just learned how to keep going.
John C. Maxwell