January 18, 2022

Michi Photostory is Back

Several days ago, my website views were decreasing which is odd because even I am not blogging, I still have blog traffic. But I did not mind it because I am not really after the page views because I just want to blog. And I am in the mood of finishing my backlogs and all of a sudden, I can no longer view my website. 

In year “2013” I experienced the “I Was Blocked” error and I cannot access my blog. This time I’m getting an error of “DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN”. I can still access my blog but I cannot view my website or blog posts. I am not a techy person so I really don’t know what to do. It was Sunday so I don’t want to stress myself so I just closed my desktop and hoped that everything will be back to normal the following day. 

The following morning, I am still getting an error so I searched the internet and I did some troubleshooting, there are 8 options and I did some of the steps. Yung kaya lang ng powers ko then lastly I checked my own DNS Console and I was shocked when I saw the Server Error in the Application. “An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host”. 

I renewed my domain last month so I don’t know why I can’t view my blog. I checked my stats and I have ZERO views so it means something is really wrong so I emailed the contact support and hopefully everything will be fixed soon. I did not receive any reply but thank God, today my blog is back. I was feeling down for the last few days because I have had this blog for almost 11 years and I don’t want to lose this. 

"I'm back doing everything I used to do, loving life as ever." Donna Mills


I got a reply after two days and this is the answer to my email "We’ve implemented a system-wide solution for customers’ domains (such as your domain) that have been affected by our DNS resolution issues. Existing domains should be resolving normally, and your website should be live."

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