Many first-time college students are often shocked by the very high prices of college textbooks, which can easily cost up to hundreds of dollars a book. Since new books have to be bought every semester those expenses can quickly add up. Thankfully, Campus Book Rentals has come up with an ingenious solution of renting books to students who would otherwise have to buy them. In fact, renting textbooks can save students over 50% of the cover price. Practically every textbook, for every major, is available in the easily searchable database, including the ever popular Organic Chemistry.
Campus Book Rentals offers free shipping both ways, so you will never get stuck with hefty postal charges. The rental periods are designed to fit the life of a busy college student. Three rental periods are available; semester (130 days), quarter (85 days) and summer (55 days).
However, if you need to keep the book a little longer to study for that all important final exam you can easily extend your rental period for 15 days or 30 day periods. Also, if you find that the textbook you rented has changed your life and that you would like to keep it with you forever and ever, simply pay the difference from the rental fee and the full value and the book is yours to keep. These books are meant to be treated as your own, so go ahead and use the all-powerful highlighter to mark the passages of interest. So, put money back in your pocket by renting your textbooks from Campus Book Rentals.
February 21, 2012
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very helpful michi... will suggest to my cousins