The Little Mermaid is a popular animated movie in 1989, the story is based in the fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen. Ariel is a 16-year old mermaid princess who wanted to experience life in the land. Remember the song “Up there they walk, up where they run, Up where they stay all day in the sun, Wanderin free - wish I could be, Part of that world”. Until now the lyrics of “Part of Your World” still lingers in my mind every time I see a mermaid movie or even mermaid tail.
It is not surprising that people love to be Ariel and until now, girl dreams to have mermaid fins for birthday party themes, photoshoots, cosplaying, or even swim with their own fun tails. And because of this, there are a lot of retail suppliers who offer swimmable mermaid tails like the fun mermaid tails from Suntails. Your dream to become a mermaid is not far from reality. You can just buy your own tail and use it on your beach or pool trip.
Suntail mermaid fins are designed for both sea and shore so you can swim, walk and play with your mermaid tails. It is a fun tail because it offers different colors, rainbow-colored and sparkly tails to suit your preference. You can just buy the mermaid tails or you can buy their combo package. It is available in different sizing, yes, from toddlers, kids, teens, and adults.
When this community quarantine is over, I’m sure your daughters will be begging you to buy a swimming tail. The mermaid tail is fun to use but make sure to keep an eye to your kids when swimming with their tails, whether in the swimming pool or open beach water.
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